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Evening Talk, Oxford

Embodied Awakening - 

The Somatic Experience of Divine Love


Hosted by Helen White Wolf & Rama Shemaya

2025 Dates To Be Confirmed

“Supraconscious awareness, by its very nature, holds the capacity to catalyse the instantaneous transformation of all our experiences into love.


As the vastness of consciousness is encountered, we experience ‘true ratio’ -
we notice how small a space our suffering occupies in the field of reality.
How our human experience is carried by something far larger than ourselves.  


As we enter this larger space of awareness, we enjoy restored connection to the innate goodness, beauty, and truth of who we are. This process takes place not only at the level of ideas, or mind, but also in the ‘felt sense’ in our body. The changes are discernible, and tangible, on all levels of our mind-body field.”

Helen White Wolf

About the Event

Topics will Include -

The meeting will begin with a short guided meditation, 

followed by a talk and Q & A on the subject of

embodied awakening.

  • The Nature of Consciousness

  • Awakening as a Mind-Body Field Process

  • ​

  • Expanded States of Awareness

  • Emotions, Attitudes, Ethics, and Enlightenment


  • The Heart and its Role in Spiritual Awakening


* The talk will include a visual presentation


Please arrive ten minutes before the scheduled start time.

Note: Allow ten minutes to walk to Friends Meeting House from Oxford train station if arriving by train. Car parking close to the venue is limited, so park and ride may be a preferable option.


Refreshments will be available after the event.

For further information please email


Please register for this event as early as possible, so we can ensure that a seat is available for you.


Tickets can be purchased online (subject to availability) until 2:00pm on the day of the talk. They are non-refundable, however they can be transferred to an online event if the talk is cancelled for any reason.


Tickets are £6.50 per person (Includes refreshments).
They are non-refundable. 


If the event is cancelled for any reason, ticket value will be transferred to an online talk. In this instance, please email our office at

Book At Brightstar Events -
Ticket Sales Now Closed

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